Additional Information


Friday, 11 November 2016

Autumn Picnic! Will we see you on November 20th?

Hello iLearn Family,

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on our first outing of the 2016-2017 academic year! We will be going to Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre near Hong Kong Disneyland for a day of outdoor exploration and family fun. If you haven’t signed up yet, click here to register. See you there!

Activities for the day:

11:00am-12:30pm: Enjoy the park!

Walk around and enjoy the outdoors! The park has a beautiful lake to walk around and a small playground. There is also hourly rental ($) of family bikes and paddle boats.

ABC teachers will have some optional activities for every kind of learner. Would your child like to run around with bubbles or hula hoops? Or relax and sketch out some of nature’s beauty? You can bring your own park toys as well. (The park prohibits kites and remote flying toys.)

Take a “Goofy” photo and send it to us! We’ll be having a photo competition on our ABC Facebook page. Take a silly family photo with this sign and send it to us via Whatsapp at 98581286. The top ones will be put on the Facebook page for all to vote.
拍一張「古靈精怪」的照片,再跟我們分享吧﹗我們將於ABC Facebook舉行一個攝影比賽。快快舉起這個標誌來拍張「搞笑」家庭照,再Whatsapp (98581286) 給我們。最精彩的幾幅作品將會被登上ABC Facebook供大家投票,選出大贏家。

12:30-2:00pm: Food and games with teachers and classmates

Let’s enjoy a healthy lunch together. Find your teacher and enjoy a picnic style lunch. We’ll be sitting on the grass so please bring a blanket or towel. We’ll also bring some materials to make kebabs. Bring some fruit if you would like to make some as well! We’ll be talking with students this month about healthy food they think they will bring to the picnic.

At the end of the day, let’s bring our iLearn classroom to the park! Classes will be playing some of their favorite Creative Critical Thinking games outside.
就讓我們走出課室,將iLearn課堂帶入公園﹗各iLearn班將會在大自然中,開心進行大家最愛的Creative Critical Thinking遊戲。

Hope to see you all there! 

Friday, 28 October 2016

iLearn 幼兒學院 - 《親親大自然》親子活動2016@迪欣湖

2016-2017 年度《iLearn 幼兒學院》户外親子活動,將於 2016 11 20 日(星期日)於迪欣湖舉行。我們為是次 iLearn 之旅設計了一系列有關大自然之親子英語活動,走出課室擴濶英語環境,務求令一家大小玩得開心,學得創新!

活動日期:2016 11 20 日(星期日)
活動時間:11:00am – 2:00pm


9:30am     ABC北角分校(地址:香港北角渣華道128號渣華商業中心1樓)
10:00am   ABC九龍塘分校(地址:九龍塘羅福道1號地下)
11:00am   迪欣湖活動中心


2:00pm    迪欣湖活動中心(家長可選擇自行離開)
3:00pm    ABC九龍塘分校(穿梭巴士抵達後解散)
3:30pm    ABC北角分校(穿梭巴士抵達後解散)



1.           ABC各分校櫃面以EPS繳費
2.           銀行存款至ABC Pathways School戶口
3.         PPS繳費靈(商戶編號「9969」,帳戶編號即學生編號)

1.      是次《iLearn 幼兒學院》之户外親子活動為課程指定活動之一;學生如有缺席,並不會獲補課安排。
2.     本校已安排大型旅遊車往返場地,如任何家長及小朋友欲自行前往/離開,請於通知職員作出安排。
3.     家長請自備充足食物及飲料以作午餐分享時段享用,場地亦設有小食亭售賣小食及飲品。
4.     是次活動將於室外進行,請學生及家長做足防曬措施
5.     如遇上惡劣天氣,是次户外活動將會取消,本校亦會於當日早上8:30前通知家長。
6.     如有任何疑問,請致電就讀分校查詢。


Friday, 14 October 2016

ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 【2017-18年度入學面試日】及「親子同樂日」

ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 正式接受2017-18PN-K3 入學申請 ,並即將進行 「入學面試」。歡迎家長出席「入學諮詢講座」,由校監及校長親自介紹學校理念及課程特色。

ABC Pathways 國際幼稚園,特設英普班及英粵班。秉承 ABC Group 「零壓力教學法」,中、 英、數均按能力編班(而非按年齡)。

此外更設「親子同樂日」,家長可帶同1.5-5 歳的小朋友參加具啟發體驗的英語活動,包括:小小運動家、Q版小廚神、迷你愛因斯坦及故事森林。

時間:10:00am - 4:00pm

Friday, 7 October 2016

2016《iLearn親子觀課日 iLearn Open Day》

為加強學校與家長的溝通及聯繫,並讓家長跟小朋友一起體驗快樂學習,iLearn Academy特設《iLearn親子觀課日》。是次活動將於20161024日及26日於ABC各分校舉行,本校誠邀家長於放學前一小時親臨學校並置身於子女課堂之中。家長將看見小朋友如何跟老師和同學以英語互動,感受課堂上的學習點滴;家長亦會跟小朋友一起進行親子英語活動和遊戲;同場家長更會欣賞到iLearn學生的課堂作品,分享小朋友的學習成果。

To let parents enjoy the "happy learning" experience that their children enjoy each week in iLearn Academy, we will be hosting an iLearn Open Day on October 24th and 26th in our ABC Centres! We would like to invite one parent or guardian of each student to arrive 1 hour before the end of the lesson. Parents will experience the class atmosphere by observing their child interact in English with the teacher and other students. There will even be some time for parents to join in on the learning fun. Hope to see you soon at our ABC centres!



觀課時間 (45分鐘)
10:45 – 11:30am
Amy, Megan, Sapna, Tammy
3:45 – 4:30pm
Amy, Megan, Sapna, Tammy
6:00 – 6:45pm
Amy, Megan, Olivia, Sapna
觀課時間 (45分鐘)
10:45 – 11:30am
Aliza, Daniel, Simran
3:45 – 4:30pm
Daniel, Simran
6:00 – 6:45pm
Dewi, Gareth, Simran

康怡總校 /  荃灣分校 藍田分校
觀課時間 (45分鐘)
10:45 – 11:30am
3:45 – 4:30pm
6:00 – 6:45pm

觀課時間 (45分鐘)
11:15 – 12:00nn
3:15 – 4:00pm

觀課時間 (45分鐘)
10:30 – 11:15am
3:30 – 4:15pm
5:45 – 6:30pm





Monday, 12 September 2016

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Dear iLearn Family,

We hope you have a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival this week with your family! To celebrate in our iLearn lessons--and learn to speak a bit more about the holiday--we'll be talking about what we eat for the festival.

Students are encouraged to bring in fruit as their snack for Wednesday, September 14th. Any fruit will do but traditional Mid-Autumn fruits are especially welcome! Students are also allowed to bring in any fruit to share if they would like.

We'll talk about our likes and dislikes, learn some English vocabulary for the festival, and talk about fruit and other healthy snacks we can bring to iLearn for our daily snack time.

Have a wonderful holiday week!

Check out some of the fun from last year:

Kowloon Tong students answer Head Teacher Edward's question about starfruit.
Teacher Howie and Mathew in Tsuen Wan brought some pomelo to share!
Students in Whampoa get excited about all their Mid-Autumn Festival treats!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Welcome to the iLearn Family!

Dear iLearn Family,

Welcome to the iLearn Academy 2016-2017 year! This blog will be one of your many connections to the iLearn academy and ABC Pathways. If you haven't already, please sign up to receive school notices of upcoming events, opportunities within the ABC community, and regular highlights throughout the iLearn year.

We had a great start to the year this past Friday. There were lots of friendly faces, both new and old. Check out some of these first day moments!

Teacher Heena's class in Lamtin centre says goodbye after a fun first day!
Snack time in Kowloon Tong. Bring a snack every day!
Welcome back from Teacher Alicia's class in Kornhill!

So how else can my child and I keep up with the iLearn family?

~Participate in iLearn events! There will be events both in your centre and a few events out and around Hong Kong. Check your iLearn calendar and watch this blog for notices.
Having fun at Sports Day last year

~Subscribe to ABC's other media platforms. ABC regularly posts information and pictures of our learners on Facebook and Instagram. You can also find out about our other ABC programmes at our website

~Talk to our lovely staff! Our Student Affair Officers are available to chat throughout the year. And at the end of each semester, there are parent-teacher meetings available.
Come see us!
From all of us at ABC Pathways, welcome to the iLearn Family!!